gel-rose™ Agarose

Perfect Agarose for Nucleic Acid Applications

  • Molecuar biology grade

    * 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & right
    Cat. No. Product Size
    AG113-500 gel-rose™ Agarose (with spoon) 500g (250g x 2ea)
    AG113-100 gel-rose™ Agarose 100 g
  • Electrophoresis grade

    * 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & right
    Cat. No. Product Size
    AG111-500 gel-rose™ Agarose(Electrophoresis grade) 500g
  • Description

    [AG113-100, 500]  gel-rose™ Agarose (Molecuar biology grade)
    gel-rose™ Agarose is suitable for routine analysis of nucleic acids by gel electrophoresis and blotting. It can be available to use for multi-band electrophoresis applications which need more than 3% agarose gels. gel-rose™ Agarose offers accurate analysis through its high purity and clarity. 

    • Gel Strength (1% gel) ································>1200 g/㎠
    • Gelling temperature (1.5% gel) ··············· 36℃±1.5℃
    • Melting temperature (1.5% gel) ··············· 90℃
    • EEO ········································································ max. 0.13
    • Sulfate ···································································< 0.15%
    • DNase, RNase free / Molecular Biology grade

    • Electrophoresis of DNA / RNA
    • Northern, Southern blotting of DNA / RNA
    • Immunoelectrophoresis
     Comparison of overflow test  when making 3% agarose gel between gel-rose™ Agarose and other companies agarose

    [AG111-500]  gel-rose™ Agarose (Electrophoresis grade)

    ■  Feature
    • Gel Strength (1% gel) ································>1200 g/㎠
    • Gelling temperature ······································ 36℃±1.5℃
    • Melting temperature ····································· 88℃ ± 1.5℃
    • EEO ········································································ ≤ 0.13
    • Sulfate ···································································≤ 0.15%
    • DNase, RNase free / Electrophoresis grade 
  • Workflow

    - Comparison of cloning efficiency on various agarose purity between gel-rose™ Agarose and other companies' agaroses 
      Cloning and colony PCR were performed to check target insert DNA after gel extraction step of PCR product using various agaroses.