PRODUCTDaBead™ Detachable Magnetic Stand
Vortexing of Tubes without Removal from the Stand during Extraction
* 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & rightCat. No. Product Size SJ1-MSS21 DaBead™ Detachable Magnetic Stand, 1.5 ㎖X 16hole, 50 ㎖ x 2hole EA -
DaBead™ Detachable Magnetic Stand is designed to perform vortexing conveniently without of tubes from the stand during whole nucleic acid extraction process using magnetic beads by simply detacing Teflon Magnetic Bar from the stand. Furthermore, it can be used for magnetic bead extraction in any scale(mini, midi, and max prep) in one stand. Both 1.5 ㎖ tube and 50 ㎖ tube can be used in one stand for nucleic acid purification.
DaBead™ Detachable Magnetic Stand is a laboratory accessary for Magnetic Bead binding, which is suitable for both nucleic acid isolation and protein purification.
It is available to extract the target sample quickly through highly strong magnetic field of Neodymium and the magnet is located on the side of stand therefore it minimizes loss of sample during pipetting.
■ Feature• Unit Size (1.5 ㎖X 16hole, 50 ㎖ x 2hole ) • Handy Grip (LxWxH: 15x47x39mm) • Strong magnetic fied using N52(Neodium) • High corrosion and deformation resistance by anodizing coating • Quick dry with wide surface area • Sturdy structure with aluminum body and ss support • Autoclavable rack ( Sterilization w/o magnet bar ) • Non-slip pad design • Light Weight 298.6 ± 2g ( Body : 154.2g/Magnet ± bar : 144.4g ) • Patent Application
■ Application
• Magnetic Bead type of Nucleic Acid Isolation and Protein Purification
• NGS Library Preparation and Size Selection
• Various Cell-based Analysis or Other Molecular Biology -
QC Data