DaBead™ Magnetic Separation Stand

Any scale of bead extraction available in one stand


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    Cat. No. Product Size
    SJ1-MSS11 DaBead™ Magnetic Separation Stand [Ver.2.0.] , 1.5㎖ × 12hole, 50ml x 2hole EA
    SJ1-MSS03 DaBead™ Magnetic Separation Stand, 1.5㎖ / 2.0㎖ × 2 hole EA
    SJ1-MSS96 DaBead™ Magnetic Separation Stand(96 well. 8-strip tube 호환가능) EA
  • Description

    DaBead™ Magnetic Separation Stand is designed for magnetic bead extraction in any scale (mini, midi and maxi prep) in one stand. Both 1.5㎖ tube and 50㎖ tube can be used in one stand for purification and it can be compatible with various 1.5ml tubes through its rubber packing on the stand. In addition, DaBead™ Magnetic Separation Stand for 96well is designed to be used for both 96-well plates and 8-strip tubes.

    • Any scale of bead extraction available in one stand (mini, midi and maxi scale prep) 
    • Superior compatibility with various 1.5ml tubes (SJ1-MSS11)
    • Strong magnetic strength (SJ1-MSS11)
    • Available to use for 96-well plates & 8-strip tubes (SJ1-MSS96) 
    • Large number of sample preparation available at once (SJ1-MSS96)

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  • Workflow

  • QC Data