SimpleWay™ 2X PCR Master Mix Ⅲ

Direct PCR that Minimizes PCR Inhibitors

  • Master Mix

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    Cat. No. Product Size
    SW331-25h SimpleWay™ 2X PCR Master Mix III 0.5 ㎖ X 5 ea
  • Description

    SimpleWay™ 2X PCR Master Mix III enables direct PCR without genomic DNA extraction by simply adding the sample itself or the lysed sample to the Master Mix. A large amount of sample can be amplified conveniently and quickly with improved amplification efficiency by minimizing the effects of PCR Inhibitors in the sample using an optimized composition of buffer and enzyme. 

    • No genomic DNA Preparation 
    • Rapid PCR 
    • Low PCR inhibition
    • Low handling error

    • PCR    • Direct PCR    • Genotyping