BioFACT™ Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Master Mix ⓗ (For Probe)

Probe-based Real-Time PCR Master Mix used in Development of Various Molecular Diagnostics Kits

  • Master Mix

    * 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & right
    Cat. No. Product Size
    DQ322-25h BioFACT™ 2X Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Master Mix ⓗ (For Probe) 0.5 ㎖ x 5 ea
    DQ325-25h BioFACT™ 2X Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Master Mix ⓗ (For Probe), with low Rox reference dye 0.5 ㎖ x 5 ea
    DQ342L-25h BioFACT™ 2X Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Master Mix ⓗ (For Probe, UDG system) 0.5 ㎖ x 5 ea
  • Pre-Mix

    * 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & right
    Cat. No. Product Size
    DQ442L-096(F) BioFACT™ 2X Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Pre-Mix ⓗ (For Probe, UDG system) 96 Tubes (8 strip x 12 ea)
    DQ442N-096 BioFACT™ 2X Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Pre-Mix ⓗ (For Probe, UDG system) 96 Tubes (8 strip x 12 ea)
  • Description

    BioFACT™ 2X Multi-Star Real-Time PCR Master Mix (For Probe) is optimized PCR mixture for probe-based Real-Time PCR platforms using sequence-specific fluorogenic probe chemistries. 

    • Quantification of target DNA using Real-Time PCR
    • Quantification of target RNA using RT-PCR
    • Various applications using qPCR ; Genotyping, Diagnosis
  • QC Data