FastFACT™ qPCR Master Mix (For Probe)

3X Faster than Standard qPCR

  • Master Mix

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    Cat. No. Product Size
    FDQ301-25h FastFACT™ 2X qPCR Master Mix (For Probe) 0.5 ㎖ X 5 ea
  • Description

    FastFACT™ 2X qPCR Master Mix (For Probe) uses the buffer and enzyme optimized for Fast qPCR to significantly reduce the time required for each step of PCR (denaturation, annealing, extension), from at least 2 hours to within 45 minutes. In addition, it allows multiplex amplification, in which multiple probes can be detected simultaneously. 

    • Fast qPCR Mixture (Reaction time: within 45 mins.)
    • Antibody-mediated Hot Start PCR enzyme
    • Low-copy transcripts amplification
  • QC Data

    - Comparison of template concentration activity between FastFACT™ 2X qPCR Master Mix (For Probe) and other company’s qPCR Master Mix