FastFACT™ qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green


    * 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & right
    Cat. No. Product Size
    FRQ387-10h FastFACT™ 2X qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green I in mixture, w/o Rox 1 ㎖ x 1 ea
    FRQ387-50h FastFACT™ 2X qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green I in mixture, w/o Rox 1 ㎖ x 5 ea
    FRQ388-10h FastFACT™ 2X qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green I in mixture, Low Rox 1 ㎖ x 1 ea
    FRQ388-50h FastFACT™ 2X qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green I in mixture, Low Rox 1 ㎖ x 5 ea
    FRQ389-10h FastFACT™ 2X qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green I in mixture, with high Rox 1 ㎖ x 1 ea
    FRQ389-50h FastFACT™ 2X qRT-PCR Master Mix ⓐ including SYBR® Green I in mixture, with high Rox 1 ㎖ x 5 ea