제품소개Screw Cap Tube
내용물이 새지 않는 Screw Cap Tube
BIOFACT I ※ 온라인 주문 시 적용가입니다.
* 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & rightCat. No. Product Size SPW52-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Red 500 set / box SPW53-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Blue 500 set / box SPW54-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Green 500 set / box SPW55-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Yellow 500 set / box SPW57-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Violet 500 set / box SPW58-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert -White 500 set / box SPW59-T500 Hisol™ 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes Conical type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Amber 500 set / box SPW62-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Red 500 set / box SPW63-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Blue 500 set / box SPW64-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Green 500 set / box SPW65-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Yellow 500 set / box SPW67-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Violet 500 set / box SPW68-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - White 500 set / box SPW69-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, Natural / coded Insert - Amber 500 set / box SPW73-T500 Hisol™ 2 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop & O-ring seal screw cap, amber / coded Insert - Amber 500 set / box SPW83-T500 Hisol™ 2.0 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type & solid type screw cap with O-ring seal (natural) 500 set / box -
BIOFACT II ※ 온라인 주문 시 적용가입니다.
* 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & rightCat. No. Product Size PT401-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, natural 500 set / box PT402-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, red 500 set / box PT403-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, blue 500 set / box PT404-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, green 500 set / box PT405-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT406-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT407-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, white 500 set / box PT408-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, amber 500 set / box PT411-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, natural 500 set / box PT412-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, red 500 set / box PT413-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, blue 500 set / box PT414-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, green 500 set / box PT415-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT416-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, violet 500 set / box PT417-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, white 500 set / box PT418-500 0.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, amber 500 set / box PT421-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, natural 500 set / box PT422-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, red 500 set / box PT423-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, blue 500 set / box PT424-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, green 500 set / box PT425-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT426-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, violet 500 set / box PT427-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, white 500 set / box PT428-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with solid type screw cap assembled, amber 500 set / box PT431-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, natural 500 set / box PT432-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, red 500 set / box PT433-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, blue 500 set / box PT434-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, green 500 set / box PT435-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT436-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, violet 500 set / box PT437-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, white 500 set / box PT438-500 1.5 ㎖ Micro Tubes conical type with attached loop screw cap assembled, amber 500 set / box PT441-500 2.0 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, natural 500 set / box PT442-500 2.0 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, red 500 set / box PT443-500 2.0 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, blue 500 set / box PT444-500 2.0 ㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, green 500 set / box PT445-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT446-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, violet 500 set / box PT447-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, white 500 set / box PT448-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with solid type screw cap assembled, amber 500 set / box PT451-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, natural 500 set / box PT452-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, red 500 set / box PT453-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, blue 500 set / box PT454-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, green 500 set / box PT455-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, yellow 500 set / box PT456-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, violet 500 set / box PT457-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, white 500 set / box PT458-500 2.0㎖ Micro Tubes skirted type with attached loop screw cap assembled, amber 500 set / box -
• Screw cap 방식의 tube로써 안에 ‘O ring’ 처리하여 용액이 새지 않음
• 장기간 중요한 샘플 보관 시 이용
• Autoclave 가능
• 다양한 색깔의 cap insert
• 다양한 size의 tube
※ 본 제품은 환율에 따라 가격에 변동이 있을 수 있습니다.
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대금 결제 및 재화 등의 공급에 관한 기록
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- 보존기간 : 3년
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