PRODUCTDaBead™ Magnetic Bead
Magnetic Bead Synthesized with In-House Technology
* 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & rightCat. No. Product Size MB706-50h DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si 5 ㎖ MB706-25k DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si 25 ㎖ MB706-100k DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si 100 ㎖ MB706-500k DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si 500 ㎖ -
* 좌우로 스크롤하시면 확인가능합니다. * Scroll left & rightCat. No. Product Size MB716-50h DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si (RNA) 5 ㎖ MB716-25k DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si (RNA) 25 ㎖ MB716-100k DaBead™ Magnetic Bead Si (RNA) 100 ㎖ -
DaBead™ Magnetic bead is a product developed for nucleic acid purification by coating the surface of Super Paramagnetic Nanoparticle with silica. It allows for convenient nucleic acid extraction based on the principle that nucleic acid specifically binds to the surface of small magnetic beads. There are magnetic beads for DNA and RNA in different sizes.
■ Feature
• Uniform bead size
• High binding affinity
• Various types & sizes of samples purification
• Affordable price through in-house development and synthesis
• Minimization of aggregation between beads
• Prevention of toxic iron exposure through polymer Shell
• Automated extraction equipment for diagnostic purpose available
• Various bead types suitable for multiple purposes -
- Typical SEM, TEM images of silica coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles